
Hi! I'm Alastair, a full-stack software developer

Hi! I'm Alastair

Full-stack software developer

I build platforms and UIs for ethical web apps

My Motivation

Mental Wellbeing

We need support to thrive among the explosive changes transforming our societies and cultures today.

Apps can provide the tools, encouragement and social connections to sustain these efforts.

Climate Change

We need to go beyond the status quo and prevailing paradigms to engage with the ecological challenges we face.

Apps can help us make conscious personal choices and collectively magnify our power to effect change.

Socially Conscious Technology

We can choose to build technologies which promote positive impacts - globally and locally.

Apps can gather and display the information needed to create action and connection.

This is BuiltByBrayne
Building apps for positive social change

Let's work together to create tools to truly make our world a better place.

Get in touch if you want to create future-positive apps in the areas of mental wellbeing, climate change or socially conscious technology.



A smart platform for small-scale, distributed renewable energy microgrids

More Details


The todo list with your wellbeing at heart

More Details

Have you got a business or project addressing wellbeing or climate change?

Do you need some developer firepower?

ideal stack:
React, NodeJs, AWS, IoT

Some Backstory

TL;DR: Full-stack web application development
Currently React, NodeJs, AWS, and IoT


Smart platform for small-scale, distributed renewable energy microgrids

Full-stack developer; system architecture, platform, and UI

React, NodeJs, IoT, AWS, OS, DevOps ... everything, really!



Streaming music service that brings you free, personalized music

Senior React Developer

React, React, React, and more React



"The omnichannel retail management system that puts your orders, inventory, financials, POS and CRM in one place"

Senior Developer

Java & PHP enterprise-scale web platform. Lots of legacy debugging!



Protect your eyes with light adaptive lenses

HTML5 App Developer

B2B HTML5 training apps, delivered via offline-resilient iPads



Award-winning "Days To Live" marketing campaign

HTML5 Developer

White-knight contract to push campaign out in time. Lots of audio and time-line challenges



Digital consultancy and delivery partner

Good Old-Fashioned Web Developer

Mostly Wordpress and JQuery



Building Better Healthcare

Web App Developer

Straight up UI app development



Social News Reader and Search, for Mobile Phones (pre-iPhone!)

Java UI Developer

Did I mention pre-iPhone? Boy, was that tough